Monday, May 3, 2010

Confounding the cat!

Does anyone else have a cat that likes to play with toilet in...shred the toilet paper all over the bathroom?

Like this...


It leaves a mess all over the floor...and since I'm trying to sell my house...not such a good impression, you know?

Well...I stumbled across this fantastic post over on Craftster cat proof toilet paper and I was inspired!!! I found the perfect fabric (kitchen curtain leftovers) and whipped up a cover...voila!

finished closed

I just wish that I had a video for when my cat discovered it! It has definite signs of attack...a few pulled threads...and it is not a perfect my cat still manages to claw at the exposed sides a bit...but as far as I am concerned, it is brilliant!!!

I'm sure that the cat will find something else to claw soon...